On 6 May 2021, the kick-off conference of the pilot action led by Germany to implement the goals of the Territorial Agenda of the EU took place. The pilot action is intended to mitigate the effects of growing disparities between the regions in Europe.
Under the title “A future for lagging regions”, new solutions are to be tested that improve people’s everyday lives in these regions – for example, in the areas of mobility, medical care and education. In this way, the pilot action links the topic of equal living conditions in Germany with the implementation and realignment of the Territorial Agenda 2030.
During the kick-off event, it was clearly shown, that demographic change and economic transformation processes are particularly challenging for the regions in Europe. At the local level, there are already a number of adaptation strategies and good examples to deal with this change. In the future, it is important to operationalise and consolidate these approaches by integrating them into regional planning.
Event documentation:
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For further details and the full documentation, please consult the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) website.