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ESPON Stocktaking Review of the Territorial Agenda 2030: Survey

2024-03-19 13:45 by Kai Böhme

What happened to the aim of a sustainable future for all places and people in Europe? In December 2020, the ministers responsible for spatial planning, territorial development and/or territorial cohesion agreed on the Territorial Agenda 2030. Its main objectives are a just Europe that offers future perspectives for all places and people, and a green Europe that protects common livelihoods and shapes societal transition.

What has happened since then? How has the Territorial Agenda been applied? What is your take on this? Have you applied or referred to it during the last 3 years? Tell us more, by filling in our short survey.

The survey is part of the ESPON project ‘Stocktaking review of the Territorial Agenda 2030’ to better understand to what degree and how the Territorial Agenda is used and how it can be improved.

Completing the survey will take about 15 minutes of your time. The survey will remain open until 15 April 2024.

Please click here to fill in the survey!

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Stocktaking review of TA2030 Policy Brief and Executive Report

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