Territorial Agenda 2030

Call on key players

Call on key playersApplication of the Territorial Agenda relies on informal multilevel cooperation between Member States, sub-national authorities, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Committee of the Regions, the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Investment Bank and other relevant players.

Application of the Territorial Agenda would benefit from cooperation with those in charge of the Urban Agenda, the New Leipzig Charter, EU Cohesion and Rural Development Policy, the implementation of the EU Recovery Plan and the EU macro-regional and sea basin strategies.

Member State intergovernmental cooperation

Will strengthen cooperation on Territorial Agenda priorities at European level with the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Committee of the Regions, the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Investment Bank. Every second year Member States will discuss progress in applying the Territorial Agenda, especially initiatives and actions, at a meeting of the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP). Findings on this progress will be discussed at meetings of the Directors-General on Territorial Cohesion (DGTC). To strengthen dialogue on the interplay between territorial development and sector policies, DGTC meetings could include a joint session with representatives of territorially relevant policy sectors.

Member States individually

Will promote the Territorial Agenda priorities and engage relevant players in all sector policies and at all levels of government. This includes promoting the Territorial Agenda in national strategic, spatial and territorial planning processes, Partnership Agreements and programmes for EU Cohesion Policy, national recovery plans and other EU funds, underlining the importance of the principle of subsidiarity to define the nature of territories and to secure targeted interventions and support in each Member State. It includes communicating the Territorial Agenda and working towards territorial cohesion at national level together with sector ministries, sub-national authorities and civil society.

Sub-national authorities and bodies

Including those at local and regional level and their national associations, are invited to apply the Territorial Agenda and take steps to engage relevant players. This includes considering Territorial Agenda priorities in their spatial planning and overarching development strategies and policies, as well as taking inspiration from pilot actions and offering their own proposals for new pilot actions. In particular they are encouraged to cooperate with neighbouring territories and places facing similar or complementary potential or challenges, and with the actors involved. In addition, sub-national authorities are invited to take an active role in regional, national and European debates concerning application of the Territorial Agenda.

European Commission

Is invited to contribute to the Territorial Agenda priorities and further strengthen its efforts to promote territorial cohesion in Europe, the territorial dimension in EU policies, and to coordinate sector policies. This may include strengthening the territorial dimension in the European Semester and Impact Assessments using available tools to assess territorial impacts and stronger stakeholder involvement, as well as further promoting – under EU Cohesion Policy and other relevant EU policies – integrated territorial development, uptake of relevant tools and instruments, territorial cooperation, and following and taking inspiration from pilot actions.

European Parliament

Is invited to note the Territorial Agenda and to consider its priorities in the Committee on Regional Development (REGI) and other committees and intergroups which have a territorial dimension. This may include advocating Territorial Agenda priorities in EU legislative processes.

European Committee of the Regions

As the European Union’s advisory body formally representing regions and municipalities at EU level, is invited to contribute to the implementation and further development of the Territorial Agenda. To this end, the Europan Committee of the Regions is invited to inform its members about the Territorial Agenda and implementation progress. It is also invited to encourage local and regional authorities in Europe to apply the Territorial Agenda, cooperate with neighbouring territories and places, learn from pilot actions and offer their own proposals for new pilot actions. The European Committee of the Regions is also invited to promote Territorial Agenda objectives at European level through its consultative work. It is also invited to promote the uptake and further development of territorial tools and instruments such as territorial impact assessments, European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC), and integrated territorial development under EU Cohesion Policy.

European Economic and Social Committee

Is asked to inform its members about the Territorial Agenda priorities and encourage them to cooperate in implementing the Territorial Agenda. This includes underlining the importance of civil society partners to ensuring a sustainable future for all places and strengthening CLLD and any other tool facilitating integrated territorial development and cooperation. In addition, they are asked to advocate Territorial Agenda priorities in policy debates at European level.

European Investment Bank Group

Is asked to reflect priorities and actions of the Territorial Agenda as appropriate in its lending, grant-loan blending and advisory services approach, taking into account the need to support sustainable territorial development strategies without jeopardising its financial discipline. Since the EIB Group can play an important role in financing sustainable investments of all sizes in areas covered by the Territorial Agenda, it is invited to contribute to pilot actions, in particular to support the development of better funding approaches in the territorial context complementing the European Commission. This can include supporting place-sensitive investments through lending, grant-loan blending and advising Member States and key players about territorial project preparation and implementation as well as the use of financial instruments.

European and national associations

Addressing spatial development and/or representing local and regional governments are invited to inform their members about the Territorial Agenda priorities and encourage them to apply the Agenda, cooperate with neighbouring territories and places, learn from pilot actions and offer their own proposals for new pilot actions. In addition, they are encouraged to advocate Territorial Agenda objectives in policy debates at transnational and European level.

Actions putting the Territorial Agenda into practice can be taken at any governance level and can vary in character and focus. Every key player is asked to implement the Territorial Agenda in the context of their regular mandate. Only then can spatial inequalities and the societal transformation toward a carbon/climate-neutral economy be addressed appropriately.

Stocktaking review of TA2030 Policy Brief and Executive Report

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