Territorial Agenda website online
Finally there is a website informing about the Territorial Agenda and its renewal process.
Territorialagenda.eu offers
- a platform to follow the elaboration of the renewed Territorial Agenda and a forum to comment on various proposals;
- a one-stop shop with important information and background documents concerning the Territorial Agenda.
The website has been launched in mid-September 2019 and will be further developed and filled with relevant content over the next months.
Stay tuned and see how the renewed Territorial Agenda and its pilot actions evolve in preparation of the informal ministerial meeting in December 2020.
It’s good to have a one-stop shop for following and engaging in the making of the next Territorial Agenda. I am looking forward to interesting exchanges with players from all EU/EFTA countries, different administrative levels and sector policies. Let us conjointly work on a just and green Europe that offers future perspectives for all places!
At their meeting in Helsinki, the Directors-General responsible for Territorial Cohesion generally agreed on the overall direction of the Territorial Agenda towards a Green and Just Europe. Now, we need to sharpen the priorities and develop good pilot actions as to showcase how to implement the Territorial Agenda and apply innovative policy approaches with a strong focus on cooperation beyond administrative borders.