The provision of public services is at the heart of territorial cohesion, a cornerstone of the European Union’s mission to ensure balanced development and equal opportunities across its different regions. Recognising this, the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union has prioritised in its territorial cohesion agenda the challenges of public service delivery in lagging regions and areas with special needs. The ESPON EGTC carried out a project on this topic (ESPON DESIRE) at the request of the Presidency.
Based on the analyses delivered by the ESPON DESIRE project, ESPON EGTC prepared an executive report containing data analysis, and good practices in the provision of five categories of services of general interest, which were presented in 5 country case studies and 32 short, good examples from across Europe. In addition, the report included overall conclusions and policy recommendations.
The main essence of the work is presented in a policy brief to inform policymaking.
Here you can find the link to the ESPON website and the documents: Policy Brief and Executive Report on Delivery of services of general interest in lagging regions and areas with special needs.
Please note that both documents will be proofread and professionally formatted.