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Territorial Agenda Calendar 2022

2022-03-18 15:36

Discover the events related to the Territorial Agenda 2030 during the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Date Activity Responsible Place
3rd February Directors-General in charge of cohesion policy meeting French Presidency Remote
3rd February FPEU – Labelled event

Webinar: Let’s ruralise Europe!

Association Nationale Nouvelles Ruralités Remote
28 February FPEU – Labelled event

Webinar: How to adapt the European framework of public procurement to make it an accelerator of the ecological and social transition in the territories?

France Urbaine and Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur Remote
3rd-4 March FPEU – Labelled event

European Summit of regions and cities

European Committee of the Regions and ‘Région Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur’ Marseille
7-8 March FPEU – Labelled event

LEADER 1992-2022: 30 years at the service of rural development

LEADER France association Ploeuc-L’Hermitage
11 March 14th meeting on the High Level Group on EU Macro-regional Strategies European Commission Hybrid format (Brussels and remote)
15 March Territorial Agenda Working Group (TAWG) meeting French presidency and TAWG members Remote
17-18 March 8th Cohesion Forum European Commission Hybrid (Brussels and remote)
23 March FPEU – Labelled event

Functional areas as living labs for territoriality

24 March Towards the green transition: an online policy table to discuss how regions can support businesses together EUSALP :

Veneto Innovazione, the innovation agency of the Veneto region and LP of the Alpine space project BE-READI Alps

Beginning of April (date to be confirmed) FPEU – Labelled event

The cross-border action of the Departments

Assemblée des Départements de France Metz
5 April FPEU – Labelled event

Europe let’s cooperate!

Interreg Europe Remote
5 April FPEU – Labelled event

Towards an inclusive, sustainable, strengthened and efficient cohesion policy in Europe: the views of European civil society

European Economic and Social Committee Hybrid format (Paris and remote)
5 April Webinar – Territoriality for Interreg practitioners INTERACT Remote
8 April Conference on education and labor market in the Alpine region EUSALP Milan, Italy
April (event to be confirmed) Second stage of the EUSALP “roadshow” on the theme of spatial planning EUSALP Innsbruck, Austria
12 April National Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) meeting French presidency, NTCCP members Remote
20 April Webinar – The Art of Just-City-Making Policy Just and green French presidency, UAEU/NLC Remote
25 – 26 April Territorial Agenda Pilot Action « A future for lagging regions »

3rd Partner Meeting: Digital Transformation in Lagging Regions

German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB), Germany Remote
26 April Webinar – The Art of Just-City-Making Policy Just and Digital French presidency, UAEU/NLC Remote
28 April 3d ESPON policy lab French presidency and ESPON EGTC Remote
3-4 May Conference “Digital Alps” EUSALP Trieste, Italy
5 May FPEU – Labelled event

Cross-border cooperation through the ages – an innovative lever from the first smile to the last breath

Assemblée des Départements de France Metz
5 May FPEU – Labelled event

Final European Conference on Local Dialogues (in a context of the future of Europe)

French Association of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions Strasbourg
11-13 May EUSALP 5th Mobility Conference & Mobility Days Tyrol 2022  EUSALP Innsbruck, Austria
12-14 May 7th International Congress of Mountain Viticulture EUROMONTANA Vila Real, Portugal
13 May FPEU – Labelled event

Closing conference ‘Let’s ruralise Europe!”

Association Nationale Nouvelles Ruralités To be confirmed
13 May EUSALP  Annual Conference on Mobilities EUSALP Innsbruck, Austria
16 May Webinar – The Art of Just-City-Making Policy Just and productive French presidency


16 May VASAB Stakeholder workshop on the application of the draft VASAB Vision 2040 Vision & Strategies around the Baltic Sea Remote
17 May TAWG meeting French presidency

TAWG members

18 May National strategy for spatial planning and the environment (NOVI)  conference :

Workshop on the implementation of the territorial agenda in the Dutch- Flemish cross-border region North Sea Port District

Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations of Netherlands NBC Congrescentrum Nieuwegein – the Netherlands and remote
23 May Weaving the urban-territorial fabric to build more resilient European territories – Splash ( FR-PRES


Postponed to autumn FPEU – Labelled event

Territories in transition in the EU: for a fairer Europe

UMS RIATE Hybrid format (Paris and remote)
1-2 June FPEU – Labelled event

Seminar ESPON

14-16 June FPEU – Labelled event

URBACT Cities Festival

15-16 June Rural Pact high-level conference European Commission in partnership with the European Committee of the Regions, the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Parliament, the Presidency of the European Council and the European Rural Parliament. Belgium and live streaming available
21-22 June FPEU – Labelled event

Borders Forum 2022

Transfrontalier Operational Mission Paris
23-24 June DGTC meeting FR-PRES

Directors-General, responsible for Territorial Cohesion

23-24 June FPEU – Labelled event

Meetings on citizen participation and dialogue

Conseil national des villes Strasbourg
26-30 June World Urban Forum – WUF11 United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) Katowice, Poland
28-29 June FPEU – Labelled event

2nd European City Centre Conference

Association Centre-Ville en Mouvement Strasbourg
4 -7 July Growing Green Cities 2122 Conference Floriade Floriade Expo 2022, Almere, the Netherlands
Date to be confirmed FPEU – Labelled event

How to support territories in the development of telework?

Association Nationale des Pôles d’équilibre territoriaux et ruraux et des Pays Remote
13 September NTCCP meeting Czech Republic presidency Usti nad Labem
10-13 October 20th European Week of Regions and Cities European Commission and European Committee of the Regions Brussels and digital
25 October DGTC Meeting Czech Republic presidency Prague
9 – 11 November National conference Innovative Region : opportunities and challenges Czech Republic presidency

Department of Regional and Housing Policy Strategies and Analysis

5 – 9 December ESPON Seminar ESPON Prague Congress centre



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