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Online Survey: Territorial Impact Assessment

2022-03-03 14:28 by Patrycja Artymowska, Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Poland

The pilot action team on Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA) has developed an online survey to gather different experiences from countries implementing the TIA in order to prepare a manual for practitioners.

Pilot Action to Territorial Agenda 2030 : Understanding how sector policies shape spatial (im)balances: Region-focused Territorial Impact Assessment

Understanding how sector policies shape spatial (im)balances: Region-focused Territorial Impact Assessment is the topic and focus of the pilot action to implement the Territorial Agenda 2030, led by the Polish Ministry of Economic Development and Regional Policy.

Started in early 2021, the pilot action brings together partners from Poland, Germany, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Luxemburg as an observer partner. Additional cooperation partners also participate in this project such as the European Commission, the European Committee of the Regions and ESPON.

The ‘Region-focused Territorial Impact Assessment (TIA)’ pilot action aims to better understand how different sectoral policies can shape spatial imbalances, focusing in particular on areas left behind and bringing the local levels to the forefront.

An online survey to map the use of the TIA in your country

One of the various components of the project is to conduct a survey dedicated to gathering experiences from different countries implementing the territorial impact assessment (TIA) and other methodologies that share features in common with TIA.

The TIA Pilot Action Team invites you to take part in an online survey to map the use of the territorial impact assessment in countries at national level and if applicable at regional level. The goal is also to understand what helps and what hinders the use of the TIA. The knowledge gathered will enable the development of the TIA manual as a next step of the project that will meet the needs of stakeholders of this approach and facilitate the process of achieving the TA2030 priorities.

Filling out the survey will take approximately 60-90 minutes. However, please note that you may need to consult and gather information from other sources. When completing the survey, you can go back to previous questions and complete or modify your answers. Please notice that although the survey settings should allow you to save the survey when closing your browser window and return to complete it when you follow the link again, the ultimate availability of this option depends on the privacy and security settings on your computer.

Click here to access the survey

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Monika Sochaczewska (email:

The TIA Pilot Action Team thanks you for helping the research and the development of the TIA methodology in the EU!

You can also find the Word document here: Questionnaire on territorial impact assessment methods CAWI FINAL

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