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International Conference: All places matter

2021-08-23 13:30 by Slovenian Presidency

The new territorial agenda calls for an inclusive and sustainable future for people everywhere. Slovenian Presidency in cooperation with IPoP – Institute for Spatial Policy and the Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia organize international conference with the aim to encourage discussion about the territorial dimension of quality of life and its potential improvement.

Conference will take place on September 29th in Maribor, Slovenia.

Economic, social and ecological differences between places shape the way of life and the notion of its quality. All stakeholders can strengthen the importance of territoriality in policymaking and thus contribute to a life that citizens value as good or at least good enough. Territorial Agenda 2030, adopted by ministers responsible for spatial planning, territorial development and territorial cohesion in December 2020, represents an agreement on common objectives and priorities in the field of territorial cohesion.

International conference strives to enrich the discussion on territorial quality of life and inspire integration of the territorial agenda into policy processes at different levels.

In the first part, distinguished guests will introduce participants the topic. Daniel Meltzian from the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community will introduce the new territorial agenda, Wiktor Szydarowski, director of the ESPON Programme, will present the concept of the Territorial Quality of Life and Philipp Schwartz from the Interact Programme will discuss and showcase the territorial dimension of INTERREG projects.

The main part of the conference will consists of six examples of good practice from European countries, regions and local communities who are already following the priorities of the new territorial agenda. Mojca Markič from Jezersko Municipality will talk about a sustainable and place-based approach to tourism, Albert Garcia Macian from the Spanish city of Mollet Del Vallès will present how they strive to ensure local self-sufficiency through spatial policy, Oliver Horeni from the German Oberelbe Transport Association will present the cross-border Elbe-Labe ticket system. In the second part, Katarzyna Szymczak-Pomianowska from Wrocław will talk about Wrocław’s efforts to adapt to climate change and reduce the effects of heat islands, Igor Kos from the WCycle Institute will present how Maribor is expanding its pledge for circular economy from Maribor to the Podravska region, Anett Numa from e-Estonia Briefing Centre will discuss how digitalisation can be used as a tool for territorial cohesion.

The event will close with a discussion on the implementation of the new territorial agenda with a special focus on the quality of life.

For more details and registration, please follow this link.

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