The final report for the pilot action “Cross-Border Spatial Planning – A vision for a zero-carbon cross-border functional region” is now available.
The goal of the Pilot Action was to initiate a mutual learning process with partners from across Europe and allow for the application of the process or elements thereof in other territories (cross-border or not). In this sense, the Pilot Action is meant to “demonstrate, test and develop practices which contribute to achieving Territorial Agenda priorities” as outlined in Chapter IV of the TA2030.
The Pilot Action was particularly aimed at the local and regional level with a focus on the topics of decarbonisation, resilience and cooperation in (cross-border) functional regions. With this thematic focus, the territorial visioning process “Luxembourg in Transition” as well as the Pilot Action contribute to the priorities of “Healthy environment” and“Integration beyond borders” of the TA2030. Furthermore, the Pilot Action is meant to strengthen the following principles of the TA2030: place-based approaches, the consideration of the territorial impacts of sector policies, the cooperation between territories and territorial cohesion at the cross-border level.
Click here to read the report.