Wednesday, October 12, 2022 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
The pilot action “A future for lagging regions” is one of six transnational initiatives, launched by the informal ministerial meeting on spatial matters in 2020 under the German EU Council Presidency. The pilot actions demonstrate how to “translate” the Territorial Agenda 2030 into practice. The main thematic focus is to secure services of general interest in lagging regions and local communities. The workshop at the European Week of Cities and Regions will report on first experiences, local actions and results while discussing with participants.
- Marie Herth, Region Grand Est, France
- Eva-Maria Hochhauser-Gams, Regional Development Association Walgau, Austria
- Sandy Marschke, District Office of Goerlitz, Germany
- Sina Redlich, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR)
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