On 1 December 2020, the Ministers responsible for spatial planning, territorial development and/or territorial cohesion have agreed on the Territorial Agenda 2030 of the European Union.

The Territorial Agenda 2030 provides an action-oriented framework to promote territorial cohesion in Europe: a future for all places.

Everyone is welcome to use the Territorial Agenda within their countries at national,
regional and local levels, and in cooperation with other countries.

Územná Agenda 2030
Územná Agenda 2030
Zhrnutie TA2030
Zhrnutie TA2030
Overview of six Pilot Actions
Overview of the Pilot Actions
Atlas pre územnú agendu 2030

In Europe, growing inequalities between places and between people as well as unsustainable developments have reached a critical level.

Increased concerted action at all geographical and governance levels is needed to ensure positive future perspectives for all people, communities and places in Europe.

It is time to better understand and adequately address
territorial impacts of sector policies.

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The Territorial Agenda 2030 seeks to contribute to sustainable development and to keeping Europe together.

The Territorial Agenda underlines the importance of and provides orientation for strategic spatial planning and calls for strengthening the territorial dimension of sector policies at all governance levels.

It seeks to promote an inclusive and sustainable future for all places
and to help achieve Sustainable Development Goals in Europe.

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The priorities spelled out in the Territorial Agenda 2030 need to be supported by actions from committed players.

Only then can Territorial Agenda priorities and concerns over spatial inequalities and the transition towards a carbon/climate-neutral economy be addressed appropriately.

Every key player is asked to implement the Territorial Agenda
in the context of their regular mandate.

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Actions putting the Territorial Agenda 2030 into practice can be taken at any governance level and can vary in character and focus.

To inspire joint actions across Europe, pilot actions demonstrate, test and develop practices which contribute to achieving Territorial Agenda priorities.

Everybody is encouraged to closely follow these actions,
take inspiration and offer proposals for new actions.

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Stocktaking review of TA2030 Policy Brief and Executive Report

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